Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Migraine treatment at home.

If you are suffering from migraine, here are some tips which i have tried myself and found useful.

1. Add ginger to your food and drinks. Take ginger everyday.
2. Take grapes or grape juice (fresh juice, not packed one) daily if possible.
3. Stop taking chocolate , wine, caffeine and cheese.
4. Adopt atleast one yoga/meditation or workout practice.

I hope you won't need your medications anymore if you follow this. The frequency of migraine attacks will start falling within three months of adopting these tips.

Sources :

Sunday, June 16, 2019

जयराम सरकार छीन रही जनता से जीने का अधिकार

माननीय उच्च न्यायालय, हिमाचल प्रदेश शिमला, ने 22 अक्टूबर 2018 को एक महत्वपूर्ण आदेश देते हुए स्पष्ट किया है कि पानी और बिजली जैसी मूलभूत सुविधाएँ लेना भारत के प्रत्येक नागरिक का मौलिक अधिकार है जो भारतीय संविधान में अनुच्छेद 21 - जीने के अधिकार (Right to life) द्वारा प्रदत्त है |
यह आदेश माननीय चीफ़ जस्टिस सूर्यकांत व जस्टिस अजय मोहन गोयल की डिवीज़न बेंच द्वारा एक याचिका के सन्दर्भ में दिया गया जो मदन लाल बनाम राज्य सरकार CWP No.:2454 वर्ष 2018 था | इस आदेश के तहत याचिकाकर्ता को बिना NOC दो हफ्तों में बिजली और पानी दोनों प्रदान करने को कहा गया था।

बिजली विभाग ने 24 जनवरी से ही सभी को NOC को आवश्यक न मानते हुए NOC के बगैर कनेक्शन
देना शुरू कर दिया है | परन्तु I&PH विभाग में इस दिशा में कोई भी हरकत नहीं दिखाई पड़ रही | पानी जैसी
मूलभूत सुविधा देने से इंकार करते हुए I&PH विभाग स्पष्ट तौर पर नागरिकों के जीने के अधिकार का हनन
कर रहा है |

उपरोक्त आदेश के पृष्ठ 3, अंक 7 की कुछ पंक्तियाँ निम्न हैं :

" इस में कोई संदेह नहीं है कि पीने योग्य पानी व बिजली भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 21 द्वारा प्रदत्त जीने के अधिकार का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा है। यह मनुष्य की मूलभूत आवश्यताएँ हैं और मानवीय अधिकारों से इसे अलग नहीं किया जा सकता। "

अनुच्छेद 21 के अंतर्गत "जीवन" का अर्थ मात्र एक "जीव के अस्तित्व" से कहीं अधिक है; इसमें मानवीय गरिमा
के साथ जीने का अधिकार तथा वे सब पहलू जो जीवन को "अर्थपूर्ण, पूर्ण तथा जीने योग्य" बनाते हैं, शामिल हैं।

यही नहीं, पानी के बिना जनता को अस्वच्छ व अमानवीय परिस्थितियों में जीवन काटना पड़ रहा है जबकि NOC
ना देकर भी नगर परिषद् द्वारा इन्हीं घरो से हर वर्ष हाउस टैक्स वसूला जाता है। राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर चल रहे स्वच्छ
भारत मिशन का मज़ाक बनाया जा रहा है। पानी नहीं होगा तो शौचालय व घर को स्वच्छ नहीं रखा जा सकता।

अतः विद्युत विभाग की तर्ज़ पर जयराम सरकार द्वारा पानी का कनेक्शन भी प्रत्येक आवेदक को मुहैय्या कराया
जाये और इसके लिए किसी प्रकार की NOC की अनिवार्यता समाप्त की जाये |

Attachments : folder link :
1. High court judgement
2. HPERC notification
3. HPSEBL notification
4. News article

Contact me : 8679152240

Sunday, October 7, 2018

You should definitely wake up early - my personal experience

Photo by Abhiram Prakash from Pexels
Photo by Abhiram Prakash from Pexels

I was an early riser during my school days ( everyone is, since schools start around 8 or 9 in the morning). When I joined college, i started staying up late at night. My sleeping time changed from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. This naturally made me sleep in and wake up around 10 am. This might not seem too much for you because most of us are doing that. But, I must tell you it really affects our lives. I did not even realise when it changed my life drastically.
  • I became less active
  • Less enthusiastic about life
  • Very ill
  • Depressed
  • Lazy
  • Too much thinking
  • Postponing every task
  • unsuccessful
  • unpopular
Basically, all this can be encapsulated into one term i.e. friction. Friction adds to your life when you start sleeping till late. It adds slowly, you won't even notice. I kept this habit of late sleeping for 7 years. My father who has served in Army keeps trying to make me understand that waking up early is very very important and helpful through life. I kept denying it because it is really hard changing your whole lifestyle. All my friends sleep late and wake up late. I had to cut the late night interactions with them in order to wake up early in the morning. I tried it half heartedly for 15 days and my mind started making excuses to change back to sleeping late. I tried to switch to early rising 3-4 times but failed. But recently i have decided strongly that I will wake up early. I shifted the bed time from 12 midnight to 9 pm instantly. I did not fall asleep till 11 but I forced myself to wake at 5. This will automatically shift my bed time to 9 whenever it does. I did not go for it gradually. Around 20 days have passed and there are some instant results i want to share in this blog post. Before that, I want to share some facts I have gathered regarding this topic.

How early should I wake up?

Answer : Brahma Muhurta

Here is one of the greatest persons in the world speaking about this :

Please read it all by following the link for deeper understanding. 
At this time, people, want to sit up and do their spiritual processes so that they get the most benefit. Brahma Muhurta means the time of the creator. You can look at it this way: it is the time when you can create yourself. You become the Brahman in the morning, so you can make yourself the way you want yourself to be.
According to all the information shared by sadhguru in the above article, if we calculate brahma muhurta starting time, it comes roughly between range of 3 to 4 am. Hence 3:30 am is a fair regular time to assume the starting of brahma muhurta. If we want maximum benefit, we should rise up as soon as brahma muhurta starts i.e. 3:30 or 4 am. ( Varies from place to place). But for people like me that is too early as we would need to sleep as early as 8 PM!

The Best Time to Meditate and Do Yoga Please read this for more insight into this.

I encourage you to google "brahma muhurta" and read more about it.

All in all, it would be perfect if you can wake up at 3:50 am. But I totally understand that it is nearly impossible to sleep at 8 pm in modern lifestyle. Most of us need 8 hours of sleep, though it is not a rule for everyone. So i compromised it a little and decided to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 5 am. Basically at least wake up before the sunrise.

Also read 3 fundamentals for good health which emphasizes that one must finish dinner 3 hours before sleeping.

The only benefit I have noticed within days is that it helps you do a lot more. You start leading your life actively.

1. More daylight added to your day : Suppose you go for trekking. You will have to start early in the morning so that you reach a safe place before it gets dark. If you are not an early riser, waking up at 5 am for the trek will disturb you, your bowel movement will still happen at 8 or whenever is your daily wake up time.
In the evening everyone has some leisure time. For an early bird, it would start around 5 pm. He can do so many indoor and outdoor activities in that time. A late riser will be free around 8-9 pm, it is dark already. The variety of activities he can do falls low.

2. Be ahead : It is not only trekking, some government exams and interviews start as early as 8 to 9 am. On that day, a late riser will be in a little discomfort. Actually there are so many departments such as hospitals, license test etc. in which you have to reach at 9 am to get your work done smoothly. You will reach these places on time, effortlessly and it gives you an edge.

3. You become very active as compared to before : Not sure why, but you will be much more active than before. You wake up at 5 instead of 8, automatically your mind will say that you have woken up for a purpose. You will quickly sail through every task you see. You will have more energy.

You will kick procrastination, lethargy, laziness without even trying! This is a big thing, huge. This will make way for your success.You will stop postponing tasks. You will finish tasks you were not able to attend since months. You become more hygeinic, clean and well dressed. You will want to look good and keep your surroundings well maintained.

That is all verified benefits from my side. Following is what other people have to say :

Brahma Muhurta – The Time to Create Yourself - Sadhguru


5 golden benefits of waking up early - Times Of India

What are the advantages of waking up early in the morning? - Quora

6 Shocking Benefits of Waking Up at 5:30 AM - Youtube

How to Wake Up Early | Robin Sharma

I know you will have to compromise your late riser friends and society. You will become a misfit but it is better to take the right road rather than the road more beaten.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

POEM-2 सगा भाई

दुनिया के इतिहास में फ़िर कभी ये दोहराई न हो।
इक माँ के दो बेटे, एक भाई का कोई सगा भाई न हो।
सूनी ही रखना गोद उस माँ की जिसकी दोनों आँखें बराबर न हों।
किसी एक से ज़्यादा प्यार या किसी एक बेटे से माँ को डर न हो।

फिर उनमें से कोई एक भारत माँ का वीर तो नहीं?
बाप जैसे भाई ने उसी की पीठ में मारा तीर तो नहीं।
कब जाने दोखा दे दे इतना कोई क़रीब न हो।
और छोटे भाई का हक़ खा ले इतना कोई ग़रीब न हो।

गरीबी थी सुदामा को भी पर मांग मांग कर चावल कृष्ण को खिलाये।
पर ऐसी गरीबी न हो कि लाख कमा कर भी भाई का खाये।
ऐसे दुखदायियो की क़यामत में भी सुनवाई न हो।
इक माँ के दो बेटे, एक भाई का कोई सगा भाई न हो।

- सुनील शर्मा

Saturday, May 19, 2018


The IMD has published a 69 page document which contains result of students who are further invited for document veriication. But the document is not in text format. No search query works when one tries to know his result smartly. Here I am sharing a document which contains all the text which is in the official document. This will let you know your result in a second. Just press ctrl+F and type in your role number. Here is the link :

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Town and Country Planning Himachal Pradesh is a very good example of bad governance

I am writing this out as i am fed up of this ruthless government of Himachal Pradesh regarding Town and Country Planning (TCP) but i am unable to do anything about it except writing. Hence i'll write at least.

Myself Sunil Sharma. My parents bought a small piece of land (150 sq. mtr) in town area in Mandi HP. We built a house on that land. But we never got to live in that house because the Municipal committee won't give us NOC (no objection certificate) to apply for electricity and water supply connections. What?

My land
My house
No government land encroachment

Why? (let's just imagine the government is replying to me directly ( which would never happen in the real world)
Government : Because, the TCP wants you to leave some setbacks (empty land).

Me :Why do you want empty land on my land?
Government : Well, we are concerned that you should have enough space to lay pipes for water and sewerage connections and electricity connections.

So thoughtful of you :). Yeah, i have enough open land for that. How much does the TCP want?
Government : Well, you are allowed to make a toilet in the middle.
It should be 3 meters from the front, 2 meters left, 2 meters back, 2 meters right.

What? that's too much.
Government : I don't care.

My land is 10m X 15m in dimensions. According to TCP i can construct a house on 5m X 11m i.e. 55 sq. meter only.

Guys, 55 sq. meter out of 150 sq. meter i bought at high cost in town area. I can construct only on one third of the land i bought.

Now i am gonna note down all the problems in these TCP rules :

1. Too much set back requirement : As i have illustrated earlier, a person with 150 sq. meters land is allowed to construct on 55 sq. meters of it only. This requirement is too unrealistic especially on small lands.
    The only excuse in support of this requirement is that some open land is required to provide basic amenities such as sewerage and water/electricity connections. In reply to that i would like to say - please be practical. I have laid my sewerage lines perfectly for my unauthorized construction. 1 metre setback is enough for that.
As long as you cannot provide a good reason for this much setback requirement, you have no right to call my house unauthorised.

2. No one follows these rules, no one : My house is on my own land, no government land encroachment, single storey. However all my neighbours have their constructions authorized. They are authorized but they have encroached on govt land. They have got water/electricity/sewerage and are living happily but they have congested the road to my house and no cars or ambulance can reach me. The point to be noted here is that the definition of unauthorised is very wrong here. Let me explain, according to govt. practically :

Authorised (according to the government) : A house made after taking permission from the TCP, no matter if it is on govt. land or 6 storeyed or totally different from the plan approved.
Unauthorised : A house made on own land, no encroachment but has not fulfilled some stupid setback requirements.

3. Fees : I do not understand why does the government need fees to authorise the constructions. If it is allowed it is allowed, if its dangerous then just don't allow it. Why does the government need fees? The fees are too much (in lacs).

4. Spreading the TCP tyranny : The government is taking more and more areas under TCP in order to collect taxes but those areas still lack in basic amenities like plenty of water, sewerage connections, street lights etc.

5. Double standards : In mandi setback requirements are :
     3 metre front 2m left, right and back
     In Shimla :
     2 metre front 1.5m left, right and back

   Its different at different places. Why?

6. New TCP rules imposed on old Towns = Fail.
    My house is in old existing town. Here, nobody cares about the silly TCP rules, everybody has encroached on govt. land. Everybody has lands smaller than you can think. Leaving setbacks on these small lands is not practical. Such setback requirements can be imposed only on new colonies successfully.

Now i am replying to those people who are opposing the one-time settlement plan by the government.

1. "Those who have made small houses by strictly following these TCP rules are feeling cheated."

      I don't think there are people who have followed the TCP rules strictly, especially on small lands. I don't think there exists any person who has a land smaller than 200 sq. meters. and has followed the TCP rules about setbacks or any other. If i had bigger land, i would also voluntarily leave 3m setbacks.

2. "Unsafe multi-storeyed buildings are being regularized, they will fall during earthquake"

      To ensure the safety of buildings, there is a document known as "structure stability certificate" which is required to get the construction plan approved. The government just needs to keep this procedure strict and fair. If the structure is stable then pass it, if it isn't do not pass it. I agree that no carelessness should be practiced regarding the safety of people.

3. "Ambulance can't reach the houses due to encroachment, they should not be regularized"
     That is true. I don't fight for the constructions on govt. lands, but the TCP rule is stopping those people too who have constructed houses on their own building for no good reason.

At last i just want to say that the government and critics should observe the problem at ground level and then make practical rules.

And i welcome the Virbhadra Singh government as they paid attention to these problems and brought amendment rules finally in 2016. Everybody is not satisfied with the amendments but something here is a lot better than nothing. But again the HP-TCP amendment bill 2016 has stuck at RajBhavan and all hopes are about to shatter.

Thank you. Comments,debates and opinions are welcome.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Poem-1 May I help you "god"?

(published on liveJournal)

May I help you "god"?
Certainly you need help
to get things under control.
Whats the point to let your best creation suffer
and watch the drama from far there?
Have you gone weak?
Or you fear the human race?
You've divided humans into two
One who don't forget you ever and
second who say "GOD? WHO?"
Heaven , Hell, Moksha , devils whats the need to create this bullshit ?
I don't believe everything is under control of you,
If i were god I would not allow you in my crew.
Are you dead already ? Just wondering coz you never reply.
Iam suffering so much, but I never received from you any supply
Those who survive keep chanting your names
What about those who didn't survive the flames?
Most of them don't survive to tell the sad story,
is that how you maintain your glory?
Oh, yes here comes the concept of "KARMA"
So you want us to be good?
Then why did you give us the need for food?
If you want us to be good,
grant us infinite food.
If you want us to be good,
grant us perfect health.
If you want us to be good,
gift us with wisdom.
I don't think that is impossible for a "GOD".
How can a ruined human believe that you take care of world?
Do they suffer coz they did the same to someone in previous life?
Oh, so the chain will continue and you're gonna watch the sea sitting on shore.
I never worried whether god exists or not
because I know it doen't matter anymore.
You let children graduate and then die.
You let good people suffer in front of your eye.
when a criminal dies with his sins,
They say "good always wins",
Where were you god when he was earning sins,
when he burnt a saint along with his kins?
The fact is that , power always wins.
You're so helpless, you can't control SATAN
You just can't get things done.
It would be a good idea to collapse your universe,
coz if you keep doing this, things will only go worse.
You made me write this, fault is not mine
You are a failure, I want you to resign.